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Games N' Rules
(Rules at the bottom of the page or click on game's link!!)

Quickie Tournaments

5 Finger Discont Ditch Da Deuce King Of Hearts Roulette (Most Tricks)
Agony Don't Get Set Noose The Deuce Roulette (Most Trix)
Assassination Double Bingo Ohh Wow Shopper's Delight
Baseball Grab your Bags Queen Of Hearts Team Roulette
Basketball Hijacked Race To 250 Terminal
Bingo Let's Kill It Rating Mixer  
Catch Da Deuce Lucky 5 Roulette  
Countdown Spades Lucky Jack Roulette (5-Handed)  
Death To The King Jumpball Roulette Shopper's Delight  

Regular Tournaments

1-2-3-4 No Order Closest to 350 Kinky Spades Rock 'Round Da Clock
1 Is Da Lonely # Color Blind Kiss Of Death Rough Rider
299 Not More Copy Cat Ladies Rule Royal Flush
3 & 3 Crazy 8 Last Bidder Royal Pain
300/300 Crazy 8s Last Man's Dead Royalty Spades
3 Blind Mice Crazy Drity Mirrors Laughter Spades Screw Your Neighbor
3 Crazy Mice Crazy Mirrors Lock It Up See Saw
3 Strikes Crazy Spades Losers Win Set 'Em Or Bag 'Em
4 & 4 Curse Of The 7 Lowball Sevens
420 Cut Throat Lucky 7 Seventh Heaven
4 Nil's Sake Dazed n' Confused Mass Suicide Sexy Spades
530 Deal Or No Deal Math Major Shovels
69 Style Death Row Member's Choice Sit & Spin
6-Handed Baseball Deuce Men Rule Skip It Spades
8 Ball Dirtry Mirrors Mini Mirrors Small Fry Spades
9 Innings Dirty Nickel Mirror Clubs Smokin Aces
Accident Ditto Mirror Diamonds Spin Da Bottle
Ace Bids Don't Break Da Mirror Mirror Hearts Step It Down
Ace Cream Sundae DN Suicide Mirror Madness Step It Up
Aces Are Wild Double Jeopardy Mirror Spades Stop 299
Aces Up Double Trouble Mirror/Suicide Stormy Spades
Acey Deucey Downhill Spades Mission Impossible Street Spades
Adult Spades Duck Duck Goose Mixed Bag Strip Mirrors
All Bid DN Dynamite Spades Monkey See Monkey Do Strip Spades
Ash Spades Eleven Bid Spades Murder Succession
Back n' Forth Crawl Evil Spades Musical Chairs Suicidal King
Back To Zero Fantastic Four Odd/Even Suicide
Backward Crawl Fifty/Fifty Old Maid Suicide 5
Baggers Beware Fire Mirrors Old Maid Mirrors Suicide A/G
Bagmania Flatliner Over Or Under Suicide DN Passing
Bag Or Set Follow The Leader Pass The Buck Suicide DN Passing Unrated
Bags Or Nil Football Spades Pick A Number Suicide Mirrors
Best 2 Out Of 3 Four Corners Pick Your Stalker Suits Me
Bid 1-2-3-4 Forty-Niner Plague Sweetheart Spades
Bid 3 Full Circle Play My Bid Partner Swingin' 8
Bid 3 Or Nil Ground Zero Police Spades Switch Spades
Bid 4 Or Nil Half & Half Pressure Team Bid 7
Bid 3 Plus 1 Hang 'Em High Pretzel Tell Me What To Bid Partner
Bidder's Beware Hangman Psychic Mirrors Terminator
Bidder's Choice Heinz 57 Psychic Spades Titanic
Bidder's Nightmare High 5 Psycho Tootsie Roll
Blackjack High Rollers Queen Rules Topsy Turvy
Blackwidow High Royalty Quicksand Trick Or Treat
Blindfold Homicide Race To 350 Truth Or Dare
Blood Sport Hot Potato Rainbow Mirrors Twister
Bloody Murder Indiana Jones Game Of Doom Regular Rated A/G Unlucky 7s
Bot Wars(Reguular) Insanity Regulare Rated Blackjack Unlucky Spades
Bot Wars (Suicide) Inviter's Choice Regular Rated DN Passing Up N' Down Spades
Bouncing Ball Jackazz Regular Rated No DN Wacky Cats
Bowling Jack Be Nimble Regular Unrated(6 hands) Whizz
Bully Spades Jacked Up Heart Regular Unrated(8 hands) Winners Call
Burned Jacker Reg Unrated A/G(6 hands) Winner Takes All
Call Me Crazy Jack In The Box Reg Unrated A/G(8 hands) Wooden Nickel
Chance Jackknife Regular Unrated DN Passing (6 hands)  
Chaos Jailhouse Spades Regular Unrated DN Passing (8 hands)  
Cheater's Delight Jester Spades Reverse 3  
Chicago Style Spades Jinxed Reverse Mirrors  
Chicken Spades Just Hang Me Revolution  
Climbing Spades Killer Aces R N' R  

Swiss Tournaments

3-Way Swiss Math Swiss Swiss Rating Mixer
4-Way Swiss Mental Swiss Swiss Royale
7-Up Swiss Mixed Mirrors Swiss Text Twist Swiss
ABC Swiss Naughty Swiss Trivia Swiss
Alternative Swiss Opponents Rule Swiss Truth Or Dare Swiss
Animal House Swiss Rainbows Are Evil Swiss Unbreakable Swiss
Bagger's Swiss Reguular Spades Variety Swiss Upside Down Swiss
Best of 3 Swiss Sports Swiss Weakest Link Swiss
Big Bux Swiss Roulette Suicidal Swiss  
Crimewave Swiss Swiss By Numbers  
Death Swiss Swiss Mix  

Specialty Tournaments

3-Man Kibby Swiss Every Man's Fantasy Sweetheart Trounament
4 X 4 King N' Queen Tag Team Swiss
B.O.L. Masquerade Tag Team Suicide Swiss
B.O.S. Midnight Madness T.O.C.
Boys Vs Girls Reg Rated
Cheater's Delight
Older Vs Younger Top 10
Birthday Celebration Staff Vs. Members Wedding Celebration
Dirty 3-Man Kibby Swiss Survivor Swiss  

HAPPYHOUR League Specific Rules

Read Them! Know Them! Live Them!

On behalf of the Staff of Happy Hour, we would like to thank each and every member for joining us and making this league as great as it is today. Without you members, our league would not be where we are today. So thank you from all of us staff. The following are our league rules and do not cover all situations and circumstances.


We are all here to have fun and play spades. If there is anything you don't like about this league, think needs fixed, or if you have a problem, please always contact the HA or another Admin, and we will do our best to fix it. We ask one thing of our staff and members and that is to have respect for one another. Name calling (in a non-joking manner), rude remarks, accusing people of cheating, etc. will nottttttttt be tolerated here, whether it is in the lobby or game room. If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all. Our rules are quite simple here in Happy Hour NO harassment of any kind is tolerated whether during game play or in lobby. Respect yourself and others. We have all been warned and know how to act. First time will be a warning. If you continue, you will be boxed or possibly kicked from the league altogether. We are all adults, so please act like it. We are here to have fun and play spades, so help us make this the best league ever!!

As with most leagues your league ID must match your yahoo ID EXACTLY.

If a problem should arise between members please keep it to an IM or at a private table. We do not want any publicity from any problem that may occur. So no arguing in lobby or at a public table.

You may not play in a rated game and a league game at the same time. You may play in more then 1 tourney here only if it is a roulettes and if you can keep good pace but please do not join multiple league's tourneys and ours at the same time. It only causes slow play.



Leaving the game before the end or before td calls game, telling another player how to play their hand, disrespecting other players or staff will result in -25 rating points. If continued will result in penalty box time( to be determined by the discipline admin - babygurl_peachy)


First team/player called in pairing makes the table. Tables, unless otherwise stated, will be made standard, no FF, unrated, protected. IF after 2 minutes the first team has not made tables, then the opposing team/player will make and choose seats.

Host of the table is to keep track of hands. Game will not begin until the TD posts rules, checks kibitz, and says GLA & post Table Time, so if you start, so please wait for the TD to say GL.A.

Absolutely no table talking or cheating is permitted. If caught doing so you will be DQ'd and boxed!

No booting anyone from a table unless the TD asks that you do so. Booting a random person is us losing a potential new member.

No kibitzing by anyone but the TD at anytime unless asked to by the TD. If someone does they will be booted from the table.

Keep BRBs to a minimum and please try to do them between hands. NO BRBs if you go nil. If it's an emergency, then stand and let a sub or the TD play that hand. You are allowed 1 BRBs during a game. After 3 minutes you will be asked to play or stand. If you are not back, you will be booted, re-invited, and a sub will sit until you are back with the timer still going. You have 10 minutes to get back to your seat. The timer restarts for each BRB. No BRB should last more then 3 minutes, but if it does your 10 minute-timer will be in effect.

No rudeness, booting, name calling (other then joking), or accusing people of cheating will be allowed. 1st time is a warning then its boxing.


IF it is a 1vs1 tourney, you may concede at any time. If you partner does not want to concede, they will be given a sub. But if for some reason they end up winning, you will NOT get the win if you conceded.

If it is a 2 vs 2 tourney, both partners MUST agree on conceding or a sub stands in for the remaining time of the tourney.

In rated you cannot concede. It must be played out. If you leave a rated game you will be boxed for 1 day unless it was due to getting booted.


Misbids are : 1st -50 points, 2nd -100 points (totaling -150 for both misbids), and 3rd results in team being DQ'd.
 No exceptions, whether your mouse slipped or you forgot game.Misbid will always count.

In 2 vs 2 tourneys, a misbid will go against the team's score because there is no other way to do it. First time is -50, second time is -100 and third results in team being DQ'd.


Play as fast as ping. If you are having lag or internet issues, inform the td , you will be asked to stand and reboot. A timer will be placed and a sub will be gotten. You have 10 minutes to return. 1st is a warning... 2nd is stand and reboot... 3rd you will be dq'd. Slow play is not tolerated!! With good ping.. After 10 minutes is up, you will be DQ'd.


In Roulettes, Rating Mixers, and 1-handed games, you have 3 minutes to get to table or lobby before DQ. These are fast tourneys and need to be played ASAP.

In all other unrated games, Timer is 10 minutes if you are in the lobby with no ping or not in the lobby at all.

First person called gets seat choice. The first person to ask gets the sub choice.

 Sub credits go to the sub of the winning team!!


A -200 game will be won by the least amount of bags the team with the least amount of bags is closest to zero. A plus scores will be won by the most bags. If the game should end in a tie, bags are not used to determine winner. The score will be cleared and all players will skip hand. A tied game will result in one hand of the hosting TD's game choice.

                                                                 HAVE FUN & GOOD LUCK!!!


The Purpose...
In order to make sure that everyone has a fair stab at getting to the top of the Ladder we have introduced the Formal Challenge system. This allows you to specifically challenge another user for a match through our Web page. If you are having trouble finding a user in chat, that you need to play, this is for you.

Formal Challenge Rules...
There are some special rules surrounding formal challenges. It is pretty straight-forward and the rules may differ from ladder to ladder based on the number of participants on that ladder.

You have to be within a rank range to utilize the formal challenge system (Generally 20 or better on ladders.

You may have only one formal challenge involving you at any time:

You may issue one formal challenge at a time, or

One formal challenge may be issued against you at any time.

You are restricted from challenging the same user twice in a row for 3 days (This prevents friends from locking up their challenge slots).

You have a pre-determined number of days during which to play challenges.

Failure to complete a formal challenge will result in BOTH players receiving a failure in their records. Accumulation of three failures will result in penalties (This discourages BOTH users from avoiding a challenge). A permanent note is also made on the user records.

Formal challenges are recorded automatically when you report ladder results. There is no special reporting procedure. They will show up in the daily results as a formal challenge.

A challenge is cleared immediately following a match report. This means that as soon as you play a challenge another challenge can be filed against you.

Players in the top twenty are eligible to challenge any member of the top ten ranked better than they are.

You cannot challenge someone ranked under you.

To make a challenge complete the form on the FORMAL CHALLENGE link. This will record your formal challenge or inform you why you cannot make the challenge.

The challenged player will be sent an E-mail letting them know about the challenge issued against them. Bounced E-mail will be considered a forfeit.

Challenged players should contact the player challenging them via E-mail or in chat to arrange a match time asap.

Players who have made the challenge should contact the challenged via E-mail if they have not heard anything within a day or so of issuing the challenge, or find the user in chat.

Challenges are played as normal Ladder matches using regular Ladder rules. All challenges are to be regular rated games. The 2 people that a lose the match will report the loss.

Formal challenges take priority over all other matches. If someone has a formal challenge against you and they are available to play, you must play them next.

Thank you for joining Happyhour!

All of the staff here at Happyhour wish you happy spading!!

Quickie Tournament Rules/font>
These are the quickie tournaments that can be ran in between the bigger tournaments while there are leaguers in the lobby waiting for the next big tournament.

5 FINGER DISCOUNT: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. First team to take 5 tricks wins the hand. Skip once a team has taken 5 tricks, and play the next hand. 1st team to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

AGONY: 1st hand all bid 1. 2nd hand all bid 2. 3rd hand all bid 3. 4th hand all bid 4. 5th hand all bid nil. No DN.

ASSASSINATION: Yahoo bid & score don't matter. Last Human to take a trick stands and let's bot play in their place. Team with the last human left sitting wins game

BASEBALL: 1st hand all bid 1. 2nd hand all bid 2. 3rd hand all bid 3. 4th hand all bid Nil. 5th hand all bid regular spades A/G.

BASKETBALL: Yahoo bid & score don't matter. Each bag is worth 1 point. After a team bags out keep counting. Team with most bags after 5 hands wins game.

BINGO: All players bid nil. You must try and set your opponents nils. Each set is worth 1 point. First team to score 10 points wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

CATCH DA DEUCE: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. Team that takes the trick that has the 2 of spades in it wins the hand. Skip hand when the 2 is taken, and play the next hand. 1st team to score 4 points wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

COUNTDOWN SPADES: Hand 1 all bid 1 for each K, Q, & J. Hand 2 all bid 1 for each 10, 9, & 8. Hand 3 all bid 1 for each 7, 6, & 5. Hand 4 all bid 1 for each 4, 3, & 2. Hand 5 all bid Regular Spades A/G.

DEATH TO THE KING: Team that wins the trick with the king of clubs loses that hand. All skip and repeat. Team to win 4 hands first wins game. Host keeps track of score.

DITCH DA DEUCE: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. Team who doesn't the trick where the 2 of spades was played, wins the hand. Skip hand when 2 is taken, and play the next hand. 1st team to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

DON'T GET SET: 1st team to get set loses the game. When both teams get their bid, everybody skip and play the next hand. 1st hand everybody bid 1. 2nd hand everybody bid 2. 3rd hand everybody bid 3. 4th hand play team bid 7.

DOUBLE BINGO: Everybody must bid nil. To score a point, you must set both of the other team's nils. The team to reach 5 points first wins game. Host keep track of the score.

GRAB YOUR BAGS: Everybody bids 1. No other bids are allowed. After one hand, the team with most bags, without bagging out, wins the game.

HIJACKED: Bid whatever you want cause bags and score do not matter. Each jack is worth 1 point to the team that wins the tricks with them in it. There will be 4 points scored for each hand. The team with the most points at the end of 4 hands wins the game.

LET'S KILL IT: Everybody must bid nil. If you get your nil, your team scores 1 point, 2 points possible each hand. Whichever team has the most points at the end of 4 hands wins the game.

LUCKY 5: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. First team to get 5 tricks wins the hand. Skip and play again. First team to win 5 hands wins the game. Host keeps track of the score.

LUCKY JACK: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. 1st team to take the trick with the J of diamonds in it wins that hand. 1st team to win 3 hands wins game. Host keeps track of the score.

JUMPBALL: Everybody bids nil. No DN. Yahoo score does not matter. Each bag is worth 1 points. Team with the most points at the end of the hand wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

KING OF HEARTS: Object of the game is to not take the trick that has the K of hearts in it. Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. The team that does not take the trick with the K of Hearts in it wins the hand. When the K of Hearts is taken, everybody skip the hand and play the next hand. 1st team to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

NOOSE THE DEUCE: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. Team that takes the trick where the 2 of spades was played gets 1 point. Once the 2 is taken, everybody skip hand. First team to reach 4 points wins the game. Host keeps track of the score. OHH WOW: Everybody bids 1. Clear score after a team bags out. 1st team to bag out two times loses the game. Host keeps track of the score.

OHH WOW: Everybody bids 1. Clear score after a team bags out. 1st team to bag out two times loses the game. Host keeps track of the score.

QUEEN OF HEARTS: Object of the game is to not take the queen of hearts as a trick. The team that takes the trick with the Q of hearts loses hand and opponents score a point. When the Q of hearts is taken, everybody skip the hand. 1st team to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

RACE TO 250: Play this game with bots. Bid regular spades. Nil ok. No DN. 1st team to reach 250 wins game.

RATING MIXER: Partner is bot. Play 1 hand regular with nil but no DN. Player with highest score wins game. Winner of tournament will receive bonus rating points. How much depends on TD.

ROULETTE : Each member plays against bots. Players bid nil or DN. First person to take a trick loses the game. If both players make their nils, hand will not count. If your bot nils, skip hand; opponents will have option to skip next hand. Protected, unrated, regular Tables, no ff settings. Loser posts in the lobby who won the game.

ROULETTE (5-Handed): Use bots as partners. Players bid Nil or DN. 1st player to take a trick loses the hand. When a player's nil gets set, all skip and play next hand. 1st player to lose 3 hands loses the game. If both players make their nils, hand will not count. Host posts score at the table. If your bot nils, skip hand; opponents will have option to skip next hand. LOSERS POST IN THE LOBBY WHO WON THE GAME.

ROULETTE SHOPPER'S DELIGHT: Use bots as partners. Everybody bids 2. First team to bag out wins game.

ROULETTE (MOST TRICKS): Use bots as partners. The player (not bot) who takes the most tricks at the end of each hand wins the hand. 1st player to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

ROULETTE (MOST TRIX): Use bots as partners. Players bid nil. Play 4 hands and keep a count of tricks each player (not bot) takes. At the end of the 4th hand, the player that took the most tricks (not bot) wins the game. Host posts the hands and score at the table.

SHOPPER'S DELIGHT: Everybody bids 2. First team to bag out (catch 10 bags) wins game.

TEAM ROULETTE: Everybody bids nil or DN. 1st team to get both their nils set loses the hand. Skip hand once both nils are set for one team. 1st team to win 4 hands wins the game. Host posts the score at the table.

TERMINAL: Bid whatever you want. Bags and yahoo score do not matter. Team to take the last trick of each hand scores 1 point. 1st team to score 3 points loses the game. Host posts the score at the table.


Regular Tournament Rules

*Note* - Unless stated otherwise by the TD at the start of the tournament and with the exception of Rated, DN Passing, Suicide & 8-handed games, the following rules apply to all regular games:
Game ends after either  6 or 8 hands, 20 or 40 minutes, or 500 points.
DNs are not allowed. Kibitz off when you sit.
Host keeps track of hands .
Do not leave the table until TD posts GGA.
Misbids: 1st -100, 2nd -150, 3rd DQ
The TD must be called to to the table to verify for it to count!

Make tables regular, unrated, protected, no FFs.
All other Happyhour League rules apply for each of our tournaments.

1-2-3-4 NO ORDER: Players may only bid 1, 2, 3, or 4. No other bids allowed. Each of these numbers may only be used once, but may be used in any order that bidders choose.

1 IS DA LONELY Number: First player bids 1. Everybody else bids 4.

299 NOT MORE: Bid Reg A/G without going over 299. If team goes over 299, they are DQ'd. Team closest to 299 at end of game wins.

3 & 3: 1st 3 hands bid the number of spades in your hand. If none, nil. Last 3 hands bid regular with nil.

300/300: Bid reg. Nil ok. First team to reach 300 points or be ahead by 300 points wins game.

3 BLIND MICE: 3rd bidder must bid nil. Everybody else bids 3.

3 CRAZY MICE: If you have the 3 of hearts, clubs, or diamonds,
or a combination of any of the 3, you must bid Nil. But if you have the 3 of spades with any or all of the above named cards, you do not have to bid Nil. If you have none of these cards, bid Regular Spades with Nil.

3 STRIKES: Team bid 7; first team  to go set 3 times loses game. Nils are not allowed.

4 & 4: 1st 4 hands bid # of spades in your hand. Last 4 hands bid regular. Nil is okay.

420: Bid 4 or 2 or Nil, but nothing else.

4 NIL'S SAKE: 1st bidder may bid 4 or nil. If the 1st bidder doesn't bid nil the 2nd bidder may bid 4 or nil and so on...If when it is the 4th bidder's turn to bid and nobody has bid nil yet, they must bid nil. Only 1 player may bid nil each hand.

530: Bid 5 or 3 or nil. No other bids are allowed.

69 STYLE: Bid the number of 6s and 9s you have in your hand. If none, you must bid nil.

6-HANDED BASEBALL: Hand 1 bid 3. Hand 2 bid 2. Hand 3 bid 3. Hand 4 bid 3. Hand 5 bid 2. Hand 6 bid 1.

8 BALL: The table bid must not exceed 8. Once the table bid has reached 8, everybody else must nil.

9 INNINGS: Bid regular with nil. Once a table bid reaches 9, everybody else must bid nil.

ACCIDENT: Player with the Ace of spades must bid 9. Everybody else must bid nil.

ACE BIDS: Bid 5 for the A of spades, 4 for the A of hearts, 2 for the A of diamonds, and 1 for the A of clubs. If you have no Aces, you must bid Nil.

ACE CREAM SUNDAE: Each player must bid 3 for every ace in their hand. If you have no aces, you must bid nil.

ACES ARE WILD: Bid on Aces: 5 for A of spades, 4 for A of hearts, 2 for A of diamonds, and 1 for A of clubs. If you have no Aces, you must bid nil.

ACES UP: Bid 3 for each of these Aces: hearts, clubs, & diamonds. Player with the A of bids 4. If you have no Aces, you must bid nil.

ACEY DEUCEY: Bid 2 for each A in your hand. Bid 1 for each 2 in your hand. If no aces or 2s, you must nil.

ADULT SPADES: Bid regular spades with nil. Player with the A of spades must post at the table that they have it. Failure to post that you have the A of spades at the beginning of the hand is a misbid.

ALL BID DN: Everybody must bid double nil. No other bids are allowed.

ASH SPADES: 1 team mirrors clubs. 1 team mirrors spades. If none of the suit to be mirrored,  you must bid Nil.

BACK N' FORTH CRAWL: Everybody bids 3. 1st bidder of each team looks at their hand and decides if they want to play crawl or backward crawl. Their partner will play the opposite of what they post.

BACK TO ZERO: Numbered bids only. Nils and DNs are not allowed. Once you reach 225 in score. Race to get back down to Zero (without going below zero)! If you go below zero AFTER reaching 225, you lose. The team closest to Zero after 6 hands, wins game!

BACKWARD CRAWL: Each player bids 3. You must play highest to lowest in all suits at all times. When trumping a trick, you must also play high to low.

BAGGERS BEWARE: All bid 2. No other bids allowed. 1st team to bag out loses the game.

BAGMANIA: All players bid nil. Object is to take as many bags as you can. Team with the most total bags after 6 hands wins game.

BAG OR SET: On odd numbered hands everybody bids 1. On even numbered hands everybody bids 3.

BAGS OR NIL: 1st hand, since no teams have any bags, all bid nil. All the rest of the hands, players must either bid nil or the number of bags their team has.

BEST 2 OUT OF 3: Play 3 sets of games. 4 hands of Regular Spades, 4 hands of Mirror Spades, and 4 hands of Bid 3 or Nil. Team that wins best 2/3 wins game. 3rd set is only played if a tie-breaker is needed.

BID 1-2-3-4:1st bidder bids 1. 2nd bids 2. 3rd bids 3. 4th bids 4. Repeat.

BID 3: All players bid 3 only.

BID 3 OR NIL: All players must bid 3 or Nil.

BID 4 OR NIL: All players must bid 4 or Nil.

BID 3 PLUS 1: Player with Ace of spades bids 4. Everybody else bids 3.

BIDDERS BEWARE: 1st hand everybody bids Regular Spades with Nil. For the following hands, your team must bid the total number of tricks plus bags you'll took in the previous hand.

BIDDER'S CHOICE: Each hand, 1st bidder chooses the game to be played. Host posts game rules as games are chosen. Games must be picked from Happyhour's list of games.

BIDDER'S NIGHTMARE: 1st bidder bids nil. Everybody else bids regular spades. No other nils are allowed.

BLACKJACK: If you get the J of clubs or spades you must nil. Everybody else bids regular spades. No other nils or DNs are allowed.

BLACKWIDOW: Player with the Queen of spades nils. No other nils are allowed. All others bid regular spades.

BLINDFOLD: The player to the bidder's right picks a numbered card (2 - 10). The player holding that card must bid nil.

BLOOD SPORT: Bid 1 for each 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of hearts and diamonds you have in your hand. If you do not have any of these cards in your hand, you must bid Nil.

BLOODY MURDER: Player with the Q of diamonds or hearts must nil. If both players of a team have one of the Qs, they must both nil. Players that do not have either of those Qs bid regular with nil.

BOT WARS (REGULAR): Use bots as partners. Bid regular with nil.

BOT WARS (SUICIDE): Use bots as partners. Play suicide. Make tables suicide, unrated, protected, no FFs.

BOUNCING BALL: 1st bidder tells any bidder of their choice to copy their bid. Everybody else bids regular with nil.

BOWLING: Regular unrated with nil. 1st team to 300 points wins the game.

BULLY SPADES: Hand 1: Reg spades with nil. Hand 2: Spades Mirrors. Hand 3: All Bid 3. Hand 4: Reg spades with nil. Hand 5: All bid 1. Hand 6: Suicide. Hand 7: All bid Nil. Hand 8: Reg spades with nil.

BURNED: The player with the 2 of spades must bid 2. Everybody else must bid nil.

CALL ME CRAZY: 1st bidder chooses the player they want to bid nil. Then they choose the suit to be mirrored. Cards must be played from lowest to highest in all suits at all times.

CHANCE: If you have 5 or more spades, you must bid 8. If less than 5 spades, you bid 3.

CHAOS: 1st bidder mirrors clubs. 2nd bidder mirrors diamonds. 3rd bidder mirrors hearts. 4th bidder mirrors spades.

CHEATER'S DELIGHT: Bid regular spades with nil. Table talk is not only allowed, but it is encouraged as well.

CHICAGO STYLE SPADES: Regular spades with a minimum team bid of 4 bid. Nil is allowed, but your partner must bid at least 4.

CHICKEN: Bid regular spades with Nil. DN is allowed. All 4 players must bid DN before the end of the game. If any player does not bid DN before the end of the game, their team is disqualified.

CLIMBING SPADES: Bid regular with nil. You must play your cards from the lowest card to the highest in all suits at all times.

CLOSEST TO 350: Bid regular with nil. Team closest to 350, without going over, at end of game wins.

COLOR BLIND: Everybody bids 3. For hands 1 - 4 the team captains swap seats, and then they swap back to original seats. For hands 5 - 8 the other two team players swap seats.

COPY CAT: 1st team player bids what they want. 2nd team player must copy that bid. Nil is okay.

CRAZY 8: Players must bid 3 for each 8 in their hand. If no 8s, then they must bid nil.

CRAZY 8S: Hand 1 & 5 player with 8 of hearts bids Nil. Hand 2 & 6 player with 8 of clubs bids Nil. Hand 3 player with 8 of diamonds bids Nil. Hand 4 player with 8 of spades bids Nil.

CRAZY DIRTY MIRRORS: Hand 1 & 5: Mirror spades. Hand 2 & 6: Mirrorr hearts. Hand 3: Mirror: clubs. Hand 4: Mirror diamonds. If none of suit, you must Nil. You may even DN if ya dare!!

CRAZY MIRRORS: Hand 1 & 5 all bid Mirror Spades. Hand 2 & 6 all bid Mirror Hearts. Hand 3 all bid Mirror Clubs. Hand 4 all bid Mirror Diamonds. If you have none of suit to be mirrored, you must bid Nil.

CRAZY SPADES: Hand 1: Reg spades with Nil. Hand 2: Bid 3. Hand 3: Mirror spades. Hand 4: Bid Nil. Hand 5: Mirror clubs. Hand 6: Suicide.

CURSE OF THE 7: Player with 7 of spades must Nil. Everybody else bids regular spades with Nil.

CUT THROAT: Bid regular spades with nil. If you are out of cards in any suit, you must trump, even if it's your partner's trick.

DAZED N' CONFUSED: Suicide, but...the 2nd player that bids must bid the same as the 1st player that bids.

DEAL OR NO DEAL: Each hand the last bidder picks the game to be played. After looking at their cards, the 1st bidder can say deal or no deal. If they accept the deal, then the game is played. If they say no deal, then the 2nd bidder calls a different game that must be played. Games chosen must be 1 of Happyhour's games.

DEATH ROW: Hand 1: Regular spades with Nil. Hand 2: Bid Nil. Hand 3: Bid 3. Hand 4: Jailhouse Spades. Hand 5: Team bid 7. Hand 6: Regular spades A/G.

DEUCE: Player with the 2 of spades must bid 2. Everybody else bids regular. Nil ok.

DIRTY MIRRORS: 1st bidder of each hand picks suit to be mirrored. If you have none of that suit, you must Nil.

DIRTY NICKEL: 1st bidder chooses the suit to be mirrored. Player with the 5 of the suit chosen, must nil.

DITTO: The 2nd bidder must copy the 1st bidder's bid. The 4th bidder must copy the 2nd bidder's bid. Nil ok.

DON'T BREAK DA MIRROR: Bid mirror spades. After everybody bids, the 1st bidder picks suit that can only be trumped if you're spades tight. The other suits can be trumped, and spades can be played at any time.

DN SUICIDE: One player on each team must bid DN. One player on each team bids Regular Spades with. Both team members may DN if they dare.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: One player of each team must bid 7. One player of each team must bid nil.

DOUBLE TROUBLE: You must double your partners bid. Nils & DNs are not allowed.

DOWNHILL SPADES: All bid 3. Must play your cards highest to lowest in all suits at all times.

DUCK DUCK GOOSE: 1st bidder will choose somebody to be the goose. The goose will choose the game for that hand. Each hand a new goose is chosen. Games chosen must be one of Happyhour's games.

DYNAMITE SPADES: For the odd hands bid regular with nil. For the even hands bid suicide.

ELEVEN BID SPADES: Bid 1 for the 10, J, Q, K, A of spades and A & K of the other 3 suits.

EVIL SPADES: Hand 1: Regular spades with Nil. Hand 2: Mirrors. Hand 3: Suicide. Hand 4: Pressure spades. Hand 5: DN suicide. Hand 6: Homicide. Hand 7: Bid 1. Hand 8: 1 partner bids Nil and the other bids mirror spades. 8/30/500

FANTASTIC FOUR: Player with the 4 in the suit named for that hand must bid 4. 1st & 5th hands: Clubs. 2nd & 6th hands: Diamonds. 3rd hand: Hearts. 4th hand: Spades. Everybody else bids regular with nil.

FIFTY/FIFTY: 1st 4 hands bid mirror spades. Last 4 hands bid regular spades A/G.

FIRE MIRRORS: 1st & 4th bidders must mirror hearts. 2nd & 3rd bidders must mirror diamonds.

FLATLINER: You may only bid even numbers. Nils are okay.

FOLLOW THE LEADER: First Bidder bids regular spades with Nil. All other bidders must bid the same as the first bidder.

FOOTBALL SPADES: Yahoo score and bags don't count. Teams bid must equal 6 or 7. Score 7 points if they bid & make 7. Score 3 points if they bid & make 6. If a team gets set there is no penalty - they just don’t score that hand. Misbids are minus 7 points. Team with most points at end of game wins.

FOUR CORNERS: Only bids allowed are 1, 2, 3, & 4 and they can only be used once per hand. They can be used in any order though.

FOURTY-NINER: The player with the 9 of spades must bid 9. Everybody else must bid nil.

FULL CIRCLE: Players may bid 6, 3, or nil. No other bids are allowed.

GROUND ZERO: Bid regular spades A/G. At the end of the game whichever team is closest to zero wins the game. It doesn't matter if their score is below or above zero as long as it is closest.

HALF & HALF: 1st 4 hands of the game play mirror spades. 2nd 4 hands of the game play regular spades. Nil is okay.

HANG 'EM HIGH: Bid 3 for each  J, Q, & K of spades in your hand. The player with A of spades must bid 4. If you do not have any of these cards, you must bid nil.

HANGMAN: Player with the 9 of spades must bid nil. Everybody else bids 4.

HEINZ 57: Team bids must equal either 5 or 7. Nils are allowed.

HIGH 5: If you have 5 or more spades in your hand, you must bid 5. If you have 4 or less spades in your hand, you must bid 3.

HIGH ROLLERS: Bid 3 for each of the J, Q, & K of spades you have in your hand. Bid 4 for the A of spades. If you have none of these cards, you must nil.

HIGH ROYALTY: Bid 1 for each A, K, & Q you have in your hand. If you do not have any of these cards, you must bid Nil.

HOMICIDE: Bid regular spades but last bidder must make table bid equal 14. Nils and DNs are not allowed.

HOT POTATO: First bidder tells any player they want to copy their bid. Everybody else bids regular with Nil.

INDIANA JONES GAME OF DOOM: The player that has the 9 of spades must go nil. Everybody else must bid 4.

INSANITY: Bid for mirror spades. Cards must be played lowest to highest in all suits at all times, even spades when they are trumped. You cannot play or lead spades until that is all that is left in your hand.

INVITER'S CHOICE: Player that makes the table picks the game to be played. Game must be one of Happyhour's.

JACKAZZZ: Player with the J of spades must bid nil. Everybody else bids regular with nil.

JACK BE NIMBLE: The team with the Jack of diamonds must bid Team Bid 7. The other team (that does not have the Jack of diamonds) must bid Team Bid 6. Nils OK but your partner must make up the difference so your total team bid is correct.

JACKED UP HEART: Player with the J of hearts must bid nil. Everybody else bids for mirror hearts.

JACKER: Player with the Jack of diamonds must bid Nil. Everybody else bids Regular Spades with Nil.

JACK IN THE BOX: Regular spades with Nil. Player with J of diamonds stands to let bot play for them. Before end of last trick, player sits back down to prevent bot from bidding their next hand.

JACKKNIFE: Bags and yahoo score do not matter. Team that wins trick that has J of diamonds in it gets 1 point. Team that wins trick that has J of spades in it loses 1 point. If team does not have 1 point and loses a point, their score does not go into negative.

JAILHOUSE SPADES: Bid Regular Spades with Nil except you must play your lowest club for 1st trick of each hand.

JESTER SPADES: Hand 1: Reg spades with Nil. Hand 2: Mirror spades. Hand 3: Bid 3. Hand 4: Suicide. Hand 5: Copy Cat. Hand 6: Bid 2. Hand 7: Team bid 7. Hand 8: Bid 1 for every face card in your hand (J, Q, & KS).

JINXED: If you have 5 or more spades you must bid 8. Everybody else bids regular with Nil.

JUST HANG ME: Player with the Jack of spades must bid Nil. Then they must stand to let bot play their hand. Before last card is played and bot can bid, player needs to take his seat back. Everybody else bids Regular Spades with Nil.

KILLER ACES: If you have any of the Aces, you must bid Nil. If you have no Aces, bid Regular Spades with Nil.

KINKY SPADES: Hand 1: Regular spades with Nil. Hand 2: Mirror hearts. Hand 3: Bid 3: Hand 4: Mirror spades. Hand 5: Team bid 7. Hand 6: Copy cat. Hand 7: Suicide. Hand 8: Regular spades A/G.

KISS OF DEATH: Everybody must bid 4.

LADIES RULE: Bid 2 for each Q you have. Bid 1 for each K you have. If you have no Qs or Ks, you must nil.

LAST BIDDER: Last person to bid names the game for each hand. The game chosen must be one of Happyhour's games.

LAST MAN'S DEAD: Last bidder must bid nil. All others bid regular. No other nils allowed.

LAUGHTER SPADES: Players with the 1-eyed jacks (jacks of hearts & spades) must bid nil. Everybody else must bid mirror spades.

LOCK IT UP: Bid regular with nil. Last player to bid must make table bid equal 13.

LOSERS WIN: Bid regular with nil. The team with the lowest score at the end of 6 hands wins the game.

LOW BALL: Bid & play regular with nil. Cards must be played from lowest to highest in all suits at all times.

LUCKY 7: Bags and yahoo score do not matter. 1st team to take 7 tricks wins the hand. Do not skip hand though, so leading bidder will change each hand. 1st team to win 7 hands wins the game.

MASS SUICIDE: All players must nil.

MATH MAJOR: 1st player bids regular, but they may not bid nil or DN. Maximum bid is 5. Everyone else can either bid 1 below or 1 above the first bidder. Others may nil.

MEMBER'S CHOICE: 1st Player to tell TD the game they want, gets it!! Must be one of Happyhour's games. Game will be posted at the start of the tournament.

MEN RULE: Bid 2 for each king in your hand. Bid 1 for each queen in your hand. If you have none, you must nil.

MINI MIRRORS: Hand 1: Regular spades with Nil. Hand 2: Club mirrors. Hand 3: Diamond mirrors. Hand 4: Heart mirrors. Hand 5: Spade mirrors. Hand 6: Regular spades A/G.

MIRROR CLUBS: Bid the number of clubs you have in your hand. If you have none, you must nil.

MIRROR DIAMONDS: Bid the number of diamonds you have in your hand. If you have none, you must nil.

MIRROR HEARTS: Bid the number of hearts you have in your hand. If you have none, you must bid nil.

MIRROR MADNESS: Last bidder chooses suit to be mirrored. It must be a suit that has not been called yet. After 4 hands, you may reuse any of the suits.

MIRROR SPADES: Bid the number of spades in your hand. If you have none, you must bid nil.

MIRROR/SUICIDE: One person from each team must bid nil. The other must bid the number of spades in their hand or nil if none.

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Everybody bids DN. The team that ends closes to 0 at the end of 6 hands wins game.

MIXED BAG: Hand 1: Regular spades with Nil. Hand 2: Mirror hearts. Hand 3: Bid 3. Hand 4: Mirror clubs. Hand 5: Mirror diamonds. Hand 6: Team bid 7. Hand 7: Mirror spades. Hand 8: Regular spades A/G.

MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO:  1st bidder bids as they want. 2nd bidder bids the same as the 1st bidder. 3rd bidder bids as they want. 4th bidder bids the same as the 3rd bidder. Nils and DNs are both allowed.

MURDER: One player bids, the other must nil. You must play lowest card to highest at all times.

MUSICAL CHAIRS: Everybody bid regular with nil. After you bid, stand and switch seats with your partner. 1st team to bid switches seats first.

ODD/EVEN: Bid regular with nil. Odd hands one player from the red team must bid nil. On even hands one player from the blue team must bid nil.

OLD MAID: Person with the queen of spades must bid nil. Everybody else bid regular with nil.

OLD MAID MIRRORS: Player with the Q of spades must nil. Everybody else bids for Mirror Spades.

OVER OR UNDER: 1st bidder bids regular with nil. Each player after bids either 1 more or 1 less then previous bidder.

PASS THE BUCK: Player on your left tells you what suit to mirror.

PICK A NUMBER: Only bids allowed are 1, 3, 5, & nil, and they may only be used once per hand.

PICK YOUR STALKER: Regular spades with Nil. 1st bidder picks a player to copy their bid. Nobody else may bid it.

PLAGUE: Player with the 2 of spades must bid 2. Everybody else bids regular with nil.

PLAY MY BID PARTNER: Bid regular with nil. After everybody has bid, players switch seats with their partner and play each other's hand.

POLICE SPADES: Bid regular with nil, but you may not bid 1.

PRESSURE: Bid regular with nil. No DN. If you are out of a suit, you must trump, even if it is your partner's trick.

PRETZEL: 1st bidder must bid 5. 2nd bidder must bid 4. 3rd bidder must bid 3. 4th bidder must bid 2. Table bid will always equal 14.

PSYCHIC MIRRORS: 1st bidder of each "team" picks a suit for "their" team to mirror. If they have none of that suit, they must nil. No DNs.

PSYCHIC SPADES: 1st bidder tells one of the other players to bid nil. That nil is the only nil allowed. No DN. Everybody else bids regular.

PSYCHO: 1st & 2nd bidders must bid nil or DN. 3rd & 4th bidders must bid regular.

QUEEN RULES: Bid 3 for every queen in your hand. If you have no queens, you must nil.

QUICKSAND: 1st hand everybody must bid nil. All the rest of the hands, everybody bids regular with DN.

RACE TO 350: Bid regular with nil. No DN. 1st team to reach 350 points wins the game.

RAINBOW MIRRORS: 1st & 5th hands everybody bids clubs mirrors. 2nd & 6th hands everybody bids diamond mirrors. 3rd & 7th hands everybody bids heart mirrors. 4th & 8th hands everybody bids spade mirrors.

REGULAR RATED A/G: Bid regular spades. Nil and DN both are allowed. You click it; You play it. There are no misbids or misplays. Yahoo score declares the winners. Make tables regular, rated, protected, no FFs.

REGULAR RATED BLACKJACK: Bid  Regular Spades with Nil. Player with J & A of spades in their hand gets 50 rating points. Must be verified by TD before the end of hand.

REGULAR RATED DN PASSING: Regular but if team is behind 200 points they have the option DN pass.

REGULAR RATED NO DN: Bid regular spades with nil. No DN. Yahoo score declares the winners. Make tables regular, rated, protected, no FFs.

REGULAR UNRATED(6HANDS) Bid Regular Spades with Nil.

REGULAR UNRATED(8HANDS) Bid Regular Spades with Nil.

REGULAR UNRATED A/G (6 HANDS): Bid Regular Spades A/G. You click it; You play it!

REGULAR UNRATED A/G (8 HANDS): Bid Regular Spades A/G. You click it; You play it!

REGULAR UNRATED DN PASSING (6 HANDS): Regular Spades but when a team is behind 200 points they have the option to click DN pass. The player that DNs passes their 2 highest cards to their partner; their partner passes their 2 lowest cards back.

REGULAR UNRATED DN PASSING (8 HANDS): Regular Spades but when a team is behind 200 points they have the option to click DN pass. The player that DNs passes their 2 highest cards to their partner; their partner passes their 2 lowest cards back.

REVERSE 3: Everybody bids 3. At the end of 6 hands, the team with the lower score wins the game.

REVERSE MIRRORS: Bid the number of spades in your hand. If no spades, you must nil. No DN. At the end of the game, the team with the lowest score wins.

REVOLUTION: Red team bids Suicide on all odd hands. Blue team bids Suicide on all even hands. If it is not your team's hand to bid suicide, bid Regular Spades with Nil.

R N' R: Hands 1, 3, 5, & 7 bid regular. Hands 2, 4, 6, & 8 bid the number of J, Q, & Ks you have in your hand. Nils are okay. DNs are not allowed.

ROCK 'ROUND DA CLOCK: 1st hand bid 1 for each of the As, 2s, & 3s in your hand. 2nd hand bid 1 for each of the 4s & 5s in your hand. 3rd hand bid 1 for each of the 6s & 7s in your hand. 4th hand bid 1 for each of the 8s & 9s in your hand. 5th hand bid 1 for each of the 10s & Js in your hand. 6th hand bid 1 for each of the Qs & Ks in your hand. If you have none of the cards that you are to bid on in your hand, you must Nil.

ROUGH RIDER: Bid Regular Spades, except you must bid odd numbers only. No Nils or DNs are allowed.

ROYAL FLUSH: 1st hand bid 3 or nil. 2nd hand bid 1 point for each J, Q, & K you have in your hand. If none, you must nil. 3rd hand bid 3 or nil. 4th hand bid 1 point for each J, Q, & K you have in your hand. If none, you must nil. 5th hand bid 3 or nil. 6th hand bid 1 point for each J, Q, & K you have in your hand. If none, you must nil. 7th hand bid 3 or nil. 8th hand bid 1 point for each J, Q, & K you have in your hand. If none, you must nil.

ROYAL PAIN: 1st hand the player with the Q of spades must nil. 2nd hand player with the J of clubs must nil. 3rd hand bid 3 for each K in your hand. If none, you must nil. 4th hand play Ace Bids - spades 5, hearts 4, diamonds 2, clubs 1. 5th hand bid 1 for each J, Q, & K you have in your hand. If none, you must nil. 6th hand bid regular anything goes. Nils are okay. With the exception of the 6th hand, DNs are not allowed. Game is over at the end of either 6 hands, 30 minutes, or 500 points.

ROYALTY SPADES: Bid 1 for each J, Q, & K in your hand. If you have none of these cards in your hand, you must bid nil. No DN.

SCREW YOUR NEIGHBOR: 1st bidder bids regular with nil, but no DN. Each bidder after bids 1 more than the previous bidder. Bid nil if the bidder before you bid 1 or nil.

SEE SAW: 1st bidder & their partner must bid 3. 2nd bidder & their partner's team bid must equal 7. Nils are okay. DN is not allowed.

SET 'EM OR BAG 'EM: Odd hands everybody bids 3. Even hands everybody bids 2. No nil or DNs. No other bids are allowed.

SEVENS: Bid 3 for each 7 in your hand. If you don't have any 7s, you must bid nil. No DN.

SEVENTH HEAVEN: Bid 2 for each red 7 in your hand. Bid 3 for each black 7 in your hand. If you have no 7s in your hand, you must bid nil. No DN.

SEXY SPADES: Bid 1 for each 6 & 9 in your hand. If you don't have any, you must bid nil. No DN.

SHOVELS: If you have 2 or more spades, you must bid 2. If you have less than 2 spades, bid regular with nil. No DN.

SIT & SPIN: Spades cannot be lead or used to trump until that is all you have left in your hand. Although once spades have been broken, you may play them as you wish. 1st hand play Heart Mirrors. 2nd hand play Club Mirrors. 3rd hand play Diamond Mirrors. 4th hand play Spade Mirrors. 5th hand play Regular with nil. 6th hand play Suicide. 7th hand play Spade Mirrors. 8th hand play Regular Anything Goes.

SKIP IT SPADES: Bid regular spades with DN. There are no misbids. Each team is allowed 1 skip, but must request before last player plays his card. Both players of the team must agree to skip.

SMALL FRY SPADES: Bid 1 for each 2, 3, or 4 in your hand. If you do not have any, you must nil. No DN.

SMOKIN ACES: Bid the number of spades in  your hand. If none, you must nil. No DN. You cannot use any of your aces until that is all you have left in that suit.

SPIN DA BOTTLE: First person to bids picks a player to bid Nil. If that person's nil is busted, they must go into the lobby and ask another league member, by name, for a kiss. If the person refuses, the player bids and then stands while a Bot plays for them. If the player receives their kiss, game continues as usual. Only the person named can go Nil. You must get your kiss from lobby, it cannot be from anyone at your table.

STEP IT DOWN: 1st Bidder bids Regular Spades with Nil. Everybody else bids 1 less than the player before them.

STEP IT UP: Each bidder bids 1 more than the previous bidder. However, the 1st bidder may not bid more than 10. Nils are allowed, but DNs are not.

STOP 299: Bid Regular Anything Goes. The team that is closest to 299 points at the end of 8 hands wins the game. You may go over 299 during the game but must end up below 299 by the end!!

STORMY SPADES: Bid 1 for each 2, 4, 6, & 8 you have in your hand. If none of these cards, you must bid Nil. Table bid will be 16 each hand.

STREET SPADES: Bid regular spades with nils and DNs. But each teams bid must equal a minimum of 4 or more.

STRIP MIRRORS: Bid the number of spades in your hand. If you have none, you must nil. No DN. But you may not trump or lead a spade until you're spade tight.

STRIP SPADES: Bid regular with nil but DNs are not allowed. You may not lead or trump a spade unless that’s all you have left.

SUCCESSION: Bid 1 more than the bidder before you. Nils are okay, but DNs are not allowed.

SUICIDAL KING: Player with the K of hearts must bid nil. Everybody else bids regular. Nils are okay, but DNs are not allowed.

SUICIDE: One player from each team must bid nil, but no DN. One player from each team must bid regular spades. Both may nil if they dare.

SUICIDE 5: One partner from each team bids Nil. One partner from each team bids 5.

SUICIDE A/G: One player of each team bids regular spades. One player bids nil. Nils and DNs are allowed. Both team members may nil/DN if they dare! Make tables suicide, unrated, protected, no FFs.

SUICIDE RATED DN PASSING: One player from each team must bid nil. One player from each team bids regular. They may nil also if the dare. You may DN if your team is 200 points behind. Game ends after 45 minutes or 500 points. Make tables suicide, rated, DN Passing, protected, no FFs.

SUICIDE UNRATED DN PASSING: One player from each team must bid nil. One player from each team bids regular. They may nil also if the dare. You may DN if your team is 200 points behind. Make tables suicide, unrated, DN Passing, protected, no FFs.

SUICIDE MIRRORS: One player from each team bids nil. One player bids the number of spades in their hand. If none, they must nil also. Nils are okay, but DNs are not allowed. Make tables suicide, unrated, protected, no FFs.

SUITS ME: Each bidder picks a suit to be mirrored. Each suit may only be used once. After 4th hand, repeat.

SWEETHEART SPADES: Players with the K & Q of hearts bid 3 for each one. If one player has both of them, their bid will be 6. Everybody else bids regular spades with nil. No DN.

SWINGIN' 8: 1st & 5th hand player with 8 of clubs nils. 2nd & 6th hand player with 8 of diamonds nils. 3rd & 7th hand player with 8 of hearts nils. 4th & 8th hand player with 8 of spades nils. If you do not have the 8 for that hand, bid regular with nil. No DN.

SWITCH SPADES: Players bid their hands then switch seats with their partner. Team with the arrow switches first. Bid Regular NO DN.

TEAM BID 7: Total bid for each team must equal 7. Nil okay but partner must then bid 7.

TELL ME WHAT TO BID P: Your partner tells you what to bid, but not before it is your turn!! If they tell you what to bid before it is your turn to bid, it is considered a misbid.

TERMINATOR: First bidder chooses a player (including self) to nil. Everybody else bids Regular. No other Nil is allowed. DNs are also not allowed.

TITANIC: Each player can bid a minimum of 1 & a maximum of 4. At the end of the game, whichever team's score is the lowest wins the game.

TOOTSIE ROLL: 1st & 2nd bidders mirror clubs. 3rd & 4th bidders mirror spades.

TOPSY TURVY: On hands 1, 3, 5, & 7 bid regular with nil. On hands 2, 4, 6, & 8 everybody bids nil. Nils are okay, but DNs are not allowed.

TRICK OR TREAT: Bid 1 less than the number of spades in your hand. If you have 1 or less spades, you must nil. No DN.

TRUTH OR DARE: First to bid picks either Truth or Dare for each hand. Truth is Mirror Spades.  Dare is Suicide.

TWISTER: Red team must bid the number of hearts in their hand. Blue team must bid the number of clubs in their hand. If they do not have any of the suit they are to bid on, they must nil. No DN.

UNLUCKY 7S: Bidders with the 7 of spades or clubs must bid nil. Everybody else bids regular with nil, but no DN.

UNLUCKY SPADES: If you have the A of spades, you must bid 4. Bid 3 for each of the K, Q, & J of spades that you have in your hand. If you don't have the A, K, Q, or J of spades in your hand, you must bid Nil.

UP N' DOWN SPADES: 1st bidder of each team decides whether they going to play their cards lowest to highest or highest to lowest. Their partner has to play the opposite way than what they decide. Bid regular with nil. No DN.

WACKY CATS: 1st bidder bids Regular Spades with Nil. 2nd bidder copies the 1st bidder's bid. 3rd bidder bids Regular Spades with Nil. 4th bidder copies the 3rd bidder's bid.

WHIZZ: Players must either bid nil or bid mirror spades. No DN.

WINNER'S CALL: 1st hand everybody bids regular with nil. No DN. Team that takes the most tricks bids regular next hand. Each player of that team will tell the player to their left which suit to mirror.

WINNER TAKES ALL: 1st bidder bids 13. Everybody else bids DN.

WOODEN NICKEL: The player with the 5 of spades must nil. Everybody else bids regular. Nil okay but no DN.

Swiss Tournament Rules
Unless otherwise stated with game rules or by the TD, the following rules apply to all swiss tournaments:
Each Round is a different game.
TD will post game & rules at start of each round.
Win or lose, all teams play every round of tournament.

3-WAY SWISS: Round 1: Play Bid 3. Round 2: Play Bid 3 or Nil Round 3: Player with the A of spades must bids 4. Everybody else bids 3.

4-WAY SWISS: Round 1: Play 420. Round 2: Play Bid 4 or Nil. Round 3: Player with the A of spades must bid 4, all others bid 3.

7-UP SWISS: Round 1: Play Lucky 7. Round 2: Play 7th Heaven. Round 3: Play Team Bid 7.

ABC SWISS: Round 1: Play Acey Deucey. Round 2: Play Bidder's Choice. Round 3: Play Catch Da Deuce.

ALTERNATIVE SWISS: Round 1: Play Trick or Treat. Round 2: Play Truth or Dare. Round 3: Play Fifty/Fifty.

ANIMAL HOUSE SWISS: Round 1: Play Chicken Spades. Round 2: Play 3 Blind Mice. Round 3: Play Copy Cat.

BAGGER'S SWISS: Round 1: Play Pack Your Bags. Round 2: Play Baggers Beware. Round 3: Play Bagmania.

BEST OF 3 SWISS: Play 4 hands of regular spades with nil. No DN. Then clear the score. Play 4 hands of mirror spades. No DN. Then clear the score. Play 4 hands of bid 3 or nil. No DN. (Only if needed) 1st team to win 2 of these games moves on to the next Round.

BIG BUX SWISS ROULETTE: Bot is partner and bids. PLayers bid nil or DN. 1st player to take a trick loses game and round.

CRIMEWAVE SWISS: Round 1: Play Cut throat spades. Round 2: Play Police spades. Round 3: Play Jailhouse Spades.

DEATH SWISS: Round 1: Play Kiss of Death. Round 2: Play suicide. Round 3: Play Terminator.

MATH SWISS: Round 1: Play Bid Odd. Round 2: Play Bid Even. Round 3: Play Math Major.

MENTAL SWISS: Round 1: Play Insanity. Round 2: Play Psychic Spades. Round 3: Play Strip Spades.

MIXED MIRRORS SWISS: Round 1 Play Mirror Hearts. Round 2 Play Mirror Clubs. Round 3 Play Mirror Diamonds. Round 4 Play Mirror Spades.

NAUGHTY SWISS: Round 1: Play Strip Spades. Round 2: Play Kinky Spades. Round 3: Play Sixety-Niner.

OPPONENTS RULE SWISS: Round 1: Play Wacky Cats. Round 2: Play Do The Math. Round 3: Play Color Blind.

RAINBOWS ARE EVIL SWISS: Round 1: Play Rainbow Mirrors. Round 2: Play Rainbow Insanity. Round 3: Play Color Blind.

REGULAR SPADES VARIETY SWISS: Round 1: Play Police Spades. Round 2: Play Jailhouse Spades. Round 3: Play Regular Rated Anything Goes.

SPORTS SWISS: Round 1: Play Baseball. Round 2: Play Football. Round 3: Play 8 Ball.

SUICIDAL SWISS: Round 1: Play Suicide. Round 2: Play Suicide Mirrors. Round 3: Play Team Roulette.

SWISS BY NUMBERS: Round 1: Play Heinz 57. Round 2: Play Stop 299. Round 3: Play 420.

SWISS RATING MIXER: Use bots as partners. Play 1 hand regular spades with nil but no DN. Player with the highest score wins game and round. Bonus rating points will be given to the winning players of each round. The number of points is up to the TD.

SWISS ROYALE: Round 1: Play Royal Flush. Round 2: Play Royal Pain. Round 3: Play Royalty.

SWISS MIX: Round 1: Play Bid 3 or Nil. Round 2: Play Suicide. Round 3: Play Regular Rated Anything Goes.

TEXT TWIST SWISS: TD posts letters to unscramble in the lobby. 1st player to unscramble the word name the game to be played for that Round. Only games on the list provided by the TD running the tournament are allowed to be played. In between rounds there will be bonus words for bux & rating points! Each player registered in the tournament is allowed 1 bonus guess.

TRIVIA SWISS: At the start of each round the TD will post a trivia question in the lobby. 1st player registered in the tournament to answer correctly gets to pick the game to be played for that round.

TRUTH OR DARE SWISS: Round 1: Play Mirror Spades. Round 2: Play Suicide. Round 3: Play Truth Or Dare.

UNBREAKABLE SWISS: Round 1: Play Strip Spades. Round 2: Play Insanity. Round 3: Play Don’t break this mirror.

UPSIDE DOWN SWISS: Round 1: Play Losers Win. Round 2: Play Crawl. Round 3: Play Back To Zero.

WEAKEST LINK SWISS: Regular unrated with nil. No DN. At the end of each round, the team that lost with the largest spread will be removed from the tourney.

Specialty Tournament Rules
*With the exception of a few oddball, unrated tournaments (please read game rules clearly pasted on tournament page for misbids, table set up, etc.) & unless otherwise stated by the game rules or the TD, the following rules apply to all specialty tournaments:
DNs are not allowed. Turn kibitz off when you sit.
Yahoo declares winners at 500 points. Do NOT leave table till TD says GGA or post winning team color.
Make tables regular, rated, protected, no FFs.
Rest of Happyhour League Rules apply.

3-MAN KIBBY SWISS: There will be 3 players per team in this tournament. 2 players play and the 3rd player kibitzes the whole game. The kibitzing player tells the 2 playing what to bid, but that player does not "have" to bid what kibitzer says. No team member may kibitz for more than 1 Round. Regular Spades with Nil.

4 X 4: There will be 4 players per team in this tournament. Regular Spades with Nil. Players will alternate as follows: Hand 1 players 1 and 3. Hand 2 players 2 and 4. Hand 3 players 1 and 2. Hand 4 players 3 and 4. Hand 5 players 1 and 4. Hand 6 players 2 and 3. Hand 7 players 1 and 3. Hand 8 players 2 and 4.

B.O.L.: (Battle Of The Leagues) Both teams that make it to the finals will represent HappyHour in the B.O.L. (Battle Of The Leagues). Regular Rated with Nil.

B.O.S.: (Battle Of The Sexes) Men vs women. There will be two tournaments ran during this hour, one for the men and one for the women. The winners of each tournament will then compete to clear up who is best once and for all, the men or the women!! Regular Rated with Nil.

BOYS VS GIRLS REG RATED CHEATER'S DELIGHT: Regular rated spades with Nil, but table talk is not only allowed it is strongly encouraged!! There will be 2 tournaments made (1 for the boys and 1 for the girls). The winners of each of these tournaments will compete in a final game (Boys Vs. Girls) to determine who rules once and for all: Da Boy or Da Girls!

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Big Bux Tournament to celebrate all the members having a birthday for this month. Regular Rated with Nil.

DIRTY 3-MAN KIBBY SWISS: There will be 3 players per team for this tournament. 2 players play while the 3rd player kibitzes and picks suit to mirror. 1st bidder's 3rd player picks suit to mirror. If you have none of the suit to be mirrored, you must bid Nil. Each round team must have a different player as their kibitzer.

EVERY MAN'S FANTASY: Each team will have 1 male & 2 females. The male plays all 8 hands. Females decide which 1 of them will play odd hands and which 1 will play even hands. 1st hand play Regular Spades with Nil. 2nd hand player with the 3 of hearts must bid Nil; no other Nils are allowed. 3rd hand player with the 3 of clubs must bid Nil; no other nils are allowed. 4th hand play Regular Spades with Nil. 5th hand play Regular Spades with Nil. 6th hand player with the 3 of diamonds must bid Nil; no other nils are allowed. 7th hand player with the 3 of spades must bid Nil; no other nils are allowed. 8th hand play Regular Spades A/G.

KING N' QUEEN: Teams will include 1 male and 1 female. Regular Rated with Nil.

MASQUERADE: Regular Rated with Nil.

MIDNIGHT MADNESS: Round 1: Play Regular Spades with Nil. Round 2: Play 420. Round 3: Play 530. Round 4: Play Regular Spades A/G.

OLDER VS. YOUNGER: Members 29 and younger partner together. Members 30 and older partner together. Regular Rated Spades with Nil.

STAFF VS MEMBERS: There will be a tournament made for staff to sign up and members to sign up separately. Winners of each of these tournaments will compete against each other to finally see who is best; staff or members! Regular Rated with Nil.

SURVIVOR SWISS: At the end of each round, teams will vote 1 player off their opponents team. Continue this each round until there is only one member per team left. These remaining members will compete in the final round to determine the true survivor. Regular Spades with Nil.

SWEETHEART TOURNAMENT: Teams can be made of whatever sex you consider your "sweetheart" to be of...Regular Rated with Nil.

TAG TEAM SWISS: There are 3 players per team. Players will switch each hand. Round 1 will start with players 1 & 2. Round 2 will start with players 2 & 3. Round 3 will start with players 3 & 1. Regular Spades with Nil.

TAG TEAM SUICIDE SWISS: There are 3 players per team. Round 1 will start with players 1 & 2. Round 2 will start with players 2 & 3. Round 3 will start with players 3 & 1. One player must bid Nil. Other player bids Regular Spades. The may also bid Nil if they dare!! Every time the player that went nil gets his nil set, they must stand and another player to sit and play.

T.O.C.: (Tournament Of Champions). This is a 1 v 1 tournament. If you won a Tournament in the previous month, you will receive an invitation to play in this tourney. Click on the "teams check-in" link on the main page of the tournament. Scroll down till you find your League ID, fill in your password, and click "check in." Regular Rated with Nil.

TOP 10: This is a 1 v 1 tournament. The Top 10 finishers of this tourney will become the top 10 ranked in the league. *NOTE* - IF you are ranked #1 and do NOT join this tournament, you will automatically drop to #11 after tournament's results are applied. Regular Rated with Nil.

WEDDING CELEBRATION: Big Bux  dontation or to celebrate a member's wedding. Regular Rated with Nil.

Got a game you'd like to see added to this list? Shoot me an email with the game name and its rules and we'll be happy to add it....Email Julzzz at